She has crossed the threshold of life.
Some say it was not her time to go,
But Jesus knows the answer.
He knows the time and the hour.
You know; I've learned to trust in Jesus,
He's the best friend I've ever known.
On her dying bed she looked at me
And asked, "daddy why me?
Why do I have to die so young?"
Fighting back the tears as I took her
Hand in mine I said, "sweetheart trust
In Jesus He knows what He is doing.
Just put your life into His hands."
She left this world at the prime of
Her life, I am not worried because
Soon Jesus will come to claim His own.
And I hope that she will be ready to
Go home with Him when He returns.
I know that you loved her Jesus and
She loved you too.
No I am not saying that she did
Everything you told her to do,
Lord Jesus, I believe that with
Your precious blood cover her faults.
Here on earth she sang like an angel
And I have no doubt that someday she
Will be singing in heaven too.
As we laid her in her grave I saw
My darling child for the last time.
I will cherish her sweet memory
As she stays right here in my heart.
Lord I can't but cry for I have lost
Someone who was so precious to me.
She is resting in her lonely grave.
She's awaiting, waiting for Jesus to
William Layton Nelson
William at