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Nesting In The Past
Empty Castles: It is a normal think for a person's to take their minds on a journey to the past. Many of us can trace our steps with ease, through the avenues of our alert consciousness. It does not matter how long ago it was; we can still go back. We are still able go back to those things of long ago and with a fine brush, one by one we dust those bricks off with careful hands. We rebuild empty castles, trying to refurbish them with unholy, unhealthy, and unfulfilled thoughts. We remise in dried -up gardens; garden that has been wilderness for; Lord knows how long. There are times that we go oh so deep into the wilderness of time that webs starts to vial our faces. Only shouts from passers by, or a top on the shoulder can bring us back into the main stream of reality once again. Some time it help tremendously when we drift away, for there we gather strength to face those challenges, those towering mountains which are standing between us and our dreams. It is well for us, while we are in the wilderness, if we take time out to have a talk with the Lord. we should find out from Him, what our next move should be. We try on our own to gather petals from the past, only to see them fall to the ground in tinny bits and they are blown away before we can collect them. It is very dangerous when we choose to leave God out of the picture, thinking that it is because of our cunning maneuvers why things are going so well with us, dangerous indeed. King Nebuchadnezzar walked down that dangerous path. He was at the peak of his folly, when he though that there was none other likes unto himself on or above the earth. The Pharaoh’s, they also though of themselves as the almighty! On and on we could go naming men of might, who though of themselves as gods, but they all fell from glory. As for me, I have a wilderness to go back to, and you know what? Each time I am about to enter this wilderness I am always wishing that I could take with me some permanent ink or some glowing paint. In the same token I tries desperately to take a carton of erasers with me. I would vigorously erase those regrettable memories, memories, which produces a better taste in my mouth. After that, oh so merrily I would paint my castle with the glowing paint of pleasantness and gratification. Nesting in itself does not harm a bit; it is the kind of nesting that we do, which may cause a lot of problems to us and to those who are around us. Staying too long in the wilderness of the past can also cause decay, meaning that on the surface we are looking strong and healthy but underneath we are filed with nothing but stench and rottenness. Those glittering characteristics are delightful to the eyes but unpleasant to touch or to live with. Nesting too long in the wilderness of the past will make one lazy and unproductive. I would not recommend that anyone should do the "(rocker my baby)" in the wilderness of the past. It should not be practice in any shape, or form. Not unless that is where you want to spend the rest of your life and of course loose out on eternity. Whenever you return you should not tarry. Sometime it is very difficult and sometimes impossible to break away from such a world and return to normalcy once more. Now there is anther side to all of this, and this is for those who love to feast on the fruits of revenge; for them, there is no better place for you to be. When you mingle and walla, when you submerge yourself in the pool where Satan and his angels take their baths, how do you expect to smell right? Now this pool has been transported from heaven long ago, it has not been cleaned drained or disinfects since that time. On the contrary, more corruptible things have been poured on what has already been there. No wonder some people in this world is so evil; they have been drinking from the fountain of the devil for too long. There is always one of Satan’s agent who is lurking in the nesting field; they are tour guides if you will and they know their way around in the darkness. That is where they are strong, the darkness is where they feel at home. For those who feel lost and think that there is no hope for you, I have good news. Jesus is standing by. He is forever alive, He can never die but Satan can and he will! He will and with him, he will take all those who chooses not to accept the offer Jesus is extending to this world. Reach out and touch the hand of the Savior now. Let Him in your life and you will find great joy with Him. Even through we may have great tribulations while we are in the camp of Jesus, is better than hanging around Satan. There is no hope with the devil, but there is with Jesus. What kind of feature do you want? Sincere friends will take their friends to their homes with them and try to make them feel comfortable. Whom do you want to go home with? The devil will be taking his friends with him but they will be going down to destruction and death. "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe in me. in my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:" ST. John 14: 1-3 & verse 6. Jesus is coming back to this earth some day, He is coming back to take His friends home to meet His Father in Glory. After they have taking that wonderful excursion to glory the righteous will live forever in a sinless world. I know whose side I want to be on, we have started a relationship and it feels wonderful! Now what about you my friend? Have you made your choice? If you did, whom did you choose? Whose camp are you lurking in; is it Jesus?
William L. Nelson
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